Friends of Boughton Heath Academy (FoBHA)
Friends of Boughton Heath Academy (sometimes referred to as the PTA) is a registered charity that works to organise and run fundraising and entertaining activities and events. The money raised is used to provide facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
For the latest news, follow us on
Facebook: Boughton Heath PTA
Twitter @FriendsofBHA
Instagram Boughton Heath Academy PTA
The current committee is a small group of parents who put an enormous amount of work into organising and running events and other fundraising activities, and also communicating with the school and parents. We are always looking for extra help. If you can offer it, please get in touch by emailing
Our work
Our fundraising activities have recently provided the school with the funds to purchase iPads, musical instruments and reading books to support the Accelerated Reader programme. In previous years we have invested in Mathletics, maths equipment, play equipment, assisted with the refurbishment of the school hall including staging and sound system, purchased laptops, security cameras, whiteboards, and provided funds for author and art days, music workshops to mention just a few!
Committee Members are Trustees of the charity and are responsible for running FoBHA and voting on key decisions. Elections to the Committee take place annually at our AGM, which usually takes place in November. If anyone is interested in joining the Committee in the future, please do make contact. Minutes from the latest AGM can be found below.
How can you help us?
- By attending our events!
- Offering time, skills, equipment: We need your help. If you can offer it in any form, please get in touch.
- Shopping online: ‘Friends of Boughton Heath Academy’ is registered with Easyfundraising and ‘Friends of Boughton Heath Primary School’ is registered with Amazon Smile You can raise money simply by shopping via these sites, at no cost to you.
- Match Funding: Please keep us informed if you are willing to ask your employer to match-fund one of our events.
Support and donate now. If you would like to give regular financial support there are lots of ways to do so. Please contact a member of our committee if you would like any further support or information.