School Development Plans

School Improvement Prorities 2023 - 24

We aim to:

impart an exceptional educational offer to all children at Boughton Heath


consistently improving treaching & learning in a safe and enabling environment,

seeing all children as individuals with a focus on equality and inclusion,

creating a sought after place to work and learn

promoting school values within all we do and all who come here

In order to:

ensure our children thrive and have a positive impact upon their world. 


Critical success factors:

CSF1 We need consistent, expert teaching from well trained staff

CSF2 We need a positive workplace culture 

CSF3 We need a high quality curriculum & learning models

CSF4 We need clear systems, procedures & protocols

CSF5 We need strong outcomes and comparators

CSF6 We need inclusion at the heart of our curriculum, approach and environment

CSF7 We need strong, effective leadership at all levels

CSF8 We need thriving, well rounded children


Whole school projects 2023 - 24

  • We will raise academic achievement from SEND & disadvantaged children across the core curriculum by the end of the academic year
  • We will improve the lived experience of SEND & disadvantaged children within school throughout the academic year
  • We will increase the number of pupils achieving the higher standard in the core subjects by the end of the academic year
  • We will raise standards of teaching and learning through developing expert  teaching throughout the year
  • We will redesign our approach to assessment and retrieval in core & non core subjects throughout the academic year
  • We will improve engagement and behaviour through rolling out 'zones of regulation' throughout school over the coming academic year
  • We will raise levels of attainment and progress in KS1,
  • We will improve the deployment of support staff through engagement with the MITA project over the coming academic year
  • We will improve the Early Years Foundation Stage indoor and outdoor environments by Summer term
  • We will raise the profile and standards of Science and Art & Design as focussed subjects throughout the academic year
  • We will increase the number of personal development opportunities on offer for children throughout this academic year
  • We will improve the skillsets of middle leaders throughout school by Summer 2025





Happy to hear from you!

Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

Get In Touch

By Phone 01244 732000 By Email Contact

Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Principal | Jon Lenton

Vice Principal | Sally Sumnall

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell