Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage within Boughton Heath is called Reception. They follow a different framework to Years 1 - 6, in readiness to begin the National Curriculum in Year 1. 

In Reception, children follow the Early Years Foundaiton Stage framework and we support this using non statutory guidance from a resource named 'Development Matters'.

In Reception, children work toewards expected attainment known as Early Learning Goals (ELGs). There are 17 ELGs in total and how we move children towards achieving them, supported by Development Matters, is detailed below.

EYFS Areas of Learning

In total, there are 7 areas of learning for EYFS. These are split into prime and specific areas. The prime areas are:

  • communication and language,
  • physical development,
  • personal, social and emotional development.

The four specific areas are:

  • literacy,
  • mathematics,
  • understanding the world,
  • expressive arts and design
EYFS Learning Goals.jpg

Each area of learning will have associated Early Learning Goals. These ELGs and how they are achieved can be found by clicking the relevant title below.

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Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

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Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Principal | Jon Lenton

Vice Principal | Sally Sumnall

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell