Teaching and Learning
If you wish to contact a teacher regarding a query, please feel free to see them at the end of the school day when collecting your child. Alternatively you can pass a message to the class teacher via the member of staff that is at the door in the morning.
If your query is urgent, please contact the school office on 01244 732000 for assistance.
If you need to pass on an important message to a child, please contact the school office on 01244 732000. If this message could be kept until the end of the day that would be really helpful as we are busy in school. Thank you.
I have a concern about…
If you have any concerns about your child in school then we are here to listen and help.
There are a number of ways that you can let us know about your concern. Please choose the one that is most helpful for you:
Contact your child's class teacher at the end of the school day to discuss your concern or to make an appointment with them if you need to talk with them privately;
Phone school to make an appointment to speak to the class teacher. Your message will be passed on them and a mutually convenient time can be agreed to meet.
The class teacher is always the best person to contact as they know your child and have day to day contact with them. If the issue is urgent and requires the attention of our Head Teacher or Deputy Head, please contact the school office on 01244 732000.
If you have met with the class teacher and then passed your concern on to the Senior Leadership Team and are still not satisfied it is vital that you make an appointment to meet with the Principal. We are sure that we can work with you to resolve your concerns.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome then please refer to our complaints policy.
How do I know if my child is making the right progress?
The progress your child is making will be communicated to parents in various ways. Firstly, there are two parents' evenings per academic year. These are a useful opportunity to sit with your child's class teacher(s) and discuss their progress and attainment whilst looking through work they have done in school. In addition to this, each term you will receive a pupil progress postcard. These postcards will detail your child's academic performance across all subjects for that term. These postcards are in replacement of an end of year report card, meaning parents receive regular feedback throughout the year as opposed to summative feedback at the end of it.
How can I support my child's education at home?
An effective home - school partnership affords children the best opportunities to exceed in their education. Each week, teachers will set their class homework tasks to complete. These will include reading, maths and spelling. Whilst support across all of these subjects is extremely beneficial for a child's progression, it is vitally important that they read regularly at home. Not only does this develop their reading and comprehension skills, it also assists in unlocking, inferring and applying information across the curriculum. Children will be bring reading books home each week with them which should be read alongside an adult and a record made in their reading record books.